96 pages, 22 x 29 cm, softcover (English)
Cabinet of curiosities: Collection of objects with particular taste
Projects: Figurin / Fontstand / Infini / Art Paper Editions / Osama Obama
Dossier: Sustainability By Jane Cheng Schindler
Good Read: Glyphics. Random type memories by Frank Adebiaye, Interview with Florian Hecker and Dimitri Bruni (NORM) about Chimerizations
Portfolio: Hammer – studio lindhorst-emme – Studio fnt
Education: ECAL, CH: Clémence Chatel, Oriane Chaussard,
Vanja Jelic & Rasmus, Schønning, Tancrède Ottiger, Leonardo Azzolini, Laurence Kubski, ArtEZ Institute of Arts in Arnhem, NL – Bas van Bentum, Royal Academy of Art, NL – Ksenija Serbina