96 pages, 22 x 29 cm, softcover (English)
Cabinet of curiosities: Collection of objects with particular taste
Projects: Strom Festival from Hort Studio, Sommernachtstraum from Claudia Basel, La Petite Reine from Gaël Faure and Mathias Clottu, 100% Y + 100% M from OK-RM FedFest from Astrid Stavro, Pablo Martín, Rafa Rosés, Pedro Ponciano, Ana Lacour
Dossier: On Editorial Criticism. Interview Stefan Sagmeister, Happiness as a Method
Portfolio: Atelier Carvalho Bernau, Jeremy Schorderet, Studio Dumbar
Typografische Abteilung: Li Shaobo – The Style is the Man, Conceptual Type by Peter Bil'ak
Education: Clément Le Tulle-Neyret / Tara Kelton